Our Rules


  • You may enter up to 3 entries for each challenge as long as it is with a different project and you follow the theme.

  • We are happy for you to combine your projects with other challenge entries.

  • We ask that the projects you create are new and have not been posted to previous challenges OR Instagram prior to the date our challenge goes live. (BACK LINKING - not permitted)

  • You must link back to this blog in your post.

  • You can enter our challenge via the Inlinkz system.

  • Please place YOUR NAME in the caption line of Inlinkz under your entry URL.

  • Please link to your direct post and not just your blog. This saves us a lot of time and helps us to visit more blogs.

  • Please, consider turning off word verification.

  • We will be a MONTHLY challenge beginning on the 1st Tuesday of each month and running through the Saturday before the next months challenge begins. 
    The Winners will be announced on the Monday before the new challenge.

  • (*** NEW Effective 11/2023)  Due to the increase in shipping costs, tangible prizes will only be shipping to winners within the U.S.A.  However, we have created a beautiful new badge for our International players who might be lucky enough to have their creations randomly chosen.  (See our  Winner Badges Tab)  Thanks for understanding.


  1. Wishing you good luck with your new challenge-blog! Congratulations. Love, Wilma.

  2. I just realized that your challenge went live today and my card is from last Thursday. I tried to remove my entry but am unable to do so. Can you remove it? Sorry! I plan to play in the future!
